POS PHY L2 Solutions
Spring Electronics support variety POS L2 solutions, POS PHY L2 IP Core and up to Multi POS PHY L2 Ports solutions implemented on single chip solution.
This IP Core provides complete solution for transport POS PHY L2 ports over ETH.
The characteristics of this technique include low latency variance, remote performance monitoring capability, remote fault indication capability, active flow control in burst traffic condition and ease of use and maintenance. This IP core use dynamic buffer control which provides maximum frame buffer size and maximize memory efficiency.
POS PHY L2 single PHY and Multi PHY
8 or 16 bit POS bus operation
Parity generation and detection
Multi PHY and single PHY, Up to 7 POS buss support, each with PRPA/PTPA, Enab
Looping Options – POS 2 POS. All the design blocks involve in the loop.
Flexible Ethernet frame builder options
Option for one POS Rx/Tx Main State Machine or POS Rx/Tx State Machine per POS Bus – Provide higher True Band Width
Programmable POS Clock frequency, 12.5MHz, 25MHz, 37.5MHz and 50MHz
Programmable POS PHY address exist – Save Band Width in Utopia Scan address
ETH MAC Options
ETH MAC filtering – Bit mask base for all the ETH modes
User define ETH header
Support Ethernet 100BT and GETH
Option for external memory – 128 Frames buffer for Tx and 128 Frames buffer for Rx
Option for internal memory – 8 Frames buffer for Tx and 8 Frames buffer for Rx
Option for internal memory – 56 Frames buffer for Tx and 56 Frames buffer for Rx
IPoETH Mode – POS Payload contain the ETH header
Option for the core design add ETH header in top of the POS payload – ETH Cover
Option for general purpose (controls, GPIOs) over the ETH frame
Ethernet Reordering support up to 16 frames mode.
Time Stamp and Clock recover option.
ETH Statistic – CRC Errors, No Frames / Sec, Frames Error, MAC Filter. Number of Frames in buffer Tx/Rx
Looping Options – ETH to ETH, All the design blocks involve in the loop.
User defines location of the decoded POS PHY address located in the ETH header, can be located in any byte.
CAM mechanism for POS PHY addresses decoding.